Hour Glass V2.0
There are two versions of this piece. I initially wrote it with the intent to extend but during Bill Moran 's workshop organised by Spill The Ink at Twenty20Two , I decided to use this piece to 'litter'. He taught us about making the poem a dream spac e and using the poem to transport us through a space and how we relate to space in the poem. Fine time grounded porcelain time time time powder weaving time across time and time again through shallow time channels of dry dessert land, crackles time and shattered t i m e with t... i... m... e... dense solid clay, t ime unbreakable time , unmovable time time time time time time unwilling to shift TIME . Above time and time beyond the horizon is t-t-t-time ti-me time TIME TIME TIME a massive intense thunder storm arising time and t - i - m - e spreads across the landscape. TIME roars fiercely but time is not threatening but soft time drizzling appears at first time then time turns into pouring time drowning ...