This piece was inspired by The Greatest Showman's song, ' This Is Me '. I performed this spoken word piece at my first 'featurette' for Malam Sayu Berpuisi . It was the rare opportunity to perform at KLPAC . I sang part of the chorus as the finale of this piece. I tried to use the many different elements that I have learned from the workshops that I attended in 2017. break 1 breɪk verb verb: break ; 3rd person present: breaks ; past tense: broke ; gerund or present participle: breaking ; past participle: broken 1. separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. Hello, can you hear me? You are B-b-b-b-b-b-breakin up Eight days, 8 months, 8 years That is a loooooong time to be a p a r t . . . Break my aching heart Into pieces that Rake my fields of joy Break apart like a tree struck by lightning Split in half, burnt to a crisp Collapsed, defeated. Break d o w n Break... My thoughts Break....