
Showing posts from August, 2019

Captain Scrolls

Prompts from  Makhluk Seni  for WELP, a movement to 'weaponise' love in all forms of expression. Prompts were released throughout the month of February for writers to submit any short form of writing. This piece was another story like poem, inspired by two of my favourite Disney movies, Treasure Planet and Atlantis. Going on a journey and adventures are something I seek for when I travel and when I meet people. Discovering who they are and their stories. Prompt 22 : Will be mine and yours Loving someone means sharing something with them. You share your ice cream, share your time, and perhaps one day - share your life with them. Tell us - what's yours, and what's theirs, and what's something that both of you hold together.⠀ #WELPPACT #PACT2 When I flip through the pages of my journals stories from people that phase in and out of my every day come alive in my memories and projects through my emotions Highlights dance on my walls like silhouettes of animated wayang kul...