Captain Scrolls

Prompts from Makhluk Seni for WELP, a movement to 'weaponise' love in all forms of expression. Prompts were released throughout the month of February for writers to submit any short form of writing.

This piece was another story like poem, inspired by two of my favourite Disney movies, Treasure Planet and Atlantis. Going on a journey and adventures are something I seek for when I travel and when I meet people. Discovering who they are and their stories.

Prompt 22 : Will be mine and yours
Loving someone means sharing something with them. You share your ice cream, share your time, and perhaps one day - share your life with them.

Tell us - what's yours, and what's theirs, and what's something that both of you hold together.⠀


When I flip through the pages of my journals
stories from people that phase in and out of my every day
come alive in my memories and projects through my emotions
Highlights dance on my walls like silhouettes of animated wayang kulit. (shadow puppets)

Each page smells different and each fold creases in its own way
Just like how each soul has left their mark in my subconscious
Their fingerprints make up a collection of behavioural patterns.

Your journey carries a life of constant change
Waves after waves of brine air, swampy waters and shifting sand
A travelling explorer who holds the hunger of pursuit as the highest priority
never once have you taken the easy route to reach your destination
Always holding your silence as you humbly navigate your vessel that is filled with priceless treasures that you painstakingly collected over ages.

Scrolls of experience stock your shelves
All wrapped in parchment of wisdom and patience
Each one mapping out your course with each person detailing every point of that journey creating constellations that you use as reference points.

Since I met you and flowed with the currents that run through your veins
Your burden is mine to share
and my journals are filled with your dreams
Life as we know it will not be a solitary voyage through violent storms anymore
but one of a navigator and captain steering their ship in search for El Rey Dorado.

- Swit Marie
1608H 13th March 2019
The Tattoo Parlor

Swit Marie is a 'Jacqueline of all trades' who loves wearing plaid
When words fail, she allows movement and emotion to carry her through
A believer in making dreams come true, she would love to collaborate with you
An explorer starting fresh and would only give her best
She stands in the gap and will only call it quits when it's a wrap.


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