Recover Render
Prompts from Makhluk Seni for WELP, a movement to 'weaponise' love in all forms of expression. Prompts were released throughout the month of February for writers to submit any short form of writing. Living in a world without borders and boundaries can be an interesting dynamic. Where there are no limits and the ability to be ourselves and do what we long to do. Prompt 15: This City Outlines The city is both calming and chaotic, maddening and magical. The city is where you grow, learn, find yourself, find others. Tell us about your city.⠀ #WELPPACT #PACT2 Where would you venture if there were no boundaries between lands borders and brinks. Taking more than the allocated Slots and portions Rations and trickling pollutions Seep into the air tainting its purity. We retract and hold back Knowing limits aren’t respected Where is the restriction we place The walls need to be raised. Windows that allow us to peek out Seeing the outside beyond the wave Making the pressure ease ...