The Explorer

I wrote this as an ode to a wonderful explorer I met who connected with me in a very unexpected way. He truly is an adventurous soul. Thank you for the dances, the stories and the memories. Joyeux anniversaire Sylvain ! You are a synergy of sorts Transforming energy From song to song, From dance to dance Translating rhythm into motion And motion into expression. The way you soak in every moment How you take the time to live The way you steer with the flow Allowing connections to form Perceiving the stimuli around you Allowing yourself to absorb. Your lips speak of humble things Simple exclamations Of pure satisfaction Pursed with the indulgence Of the sweeter things in life. The freckles on your skin Map out every place you have ever been Every wrinkle Is every line from a story From the days you lived And the hours you spent living. You are alive And living things should never be limited You let it grow Let it explore It never stops Never...