Orchestrated Bouquet
In the month of April 2020, Makhluk Seni kicked off #HomegrownMakhlukSenis with 10 days of prompts, mindfulness activities and goals to help us get through the isolation. These flowers have significant memories attached to them as I grew up. I used to dry flowers all the time to make potpourri bouquets to remember these memories. I don't get flowers often and prefer not to be a part of the commercialism of it but it's nice to get them once in a while. Day 6 My Wallflowers Melor dan melati,⠀ Iris and lillies,⠀ Dear Makhluk Seni, w e ask you: If you could assign 3 flowers to your loved ones, what are they, and who do they belong to? #quarantineinitiative #grassroots #PACT2020 #NAPoWriMo #NaPoWriMo2020 Babies breath dries well in the sun, they remain delicate and dainty, They stay as long as they aren't disturbed These are the ones who have remained for as long as they have. I've grown a fondness to Orchids, Exotic and unique, Flowers none the less though they live in a d...