Happy PipDay

In gratitude and appreciation, this is just the a little glimpse of the awe-inspiring person that you are, Prthiv. I am so proud and have endless amount of respect for the work that you do and the vision that you have for your goals. Thank you for bringing me along this journey with you for The Abstract Nature and also in life. You are a wonderful friend who brings out the best in me and I'll always have your back in toughest of times. Never forget that you always have the strength in yourself and also find it in the ones around you that surround you as a strong steadfast wall. You have the potential to achieve accomplishments that mere mortals can only imagine. Happy Pipday! #BlessedwithPip

Potential for exponential growth
Reliable in ways you cannot phantom
Takes the smallest things and causes a magnitude of change
Hides his troubles behind closed doors
Ignites movement, greatness and passion
Visionary to transform this nation by community

Talented beyond quantifiable measures
Hails from the heart of the ocean to live on land
Edifies people with his ethics and principles for their best interest

Compassionate to teach and share his knowledge
Has our backs and ready to fight alongside us
A leader by example, a blessed friend to journey with
Muse and inspiration to many in music and life
Pure in heart and genuine in love for those close to him.

-Swit Marie
26th May 2019
Powerhouse, Brisbane

Swit Marie is a 'Jacqueline of all trades' who loves wearing plaid
When words fail, she allows movement and emotion to carry her through
A believer in making dreams come true, she would love to collaborate with you
An explorer starting fresh and would only give her best
She stands in the gap and will only call it quits when it's a wrap


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