Reminiscing Memories

This piece was originally written in Malay, then translated to English, French and Russian . It is about a beautiful person and connection I encountered on last year. I had massive amounts of help from good friends of mine, Sylvain, Adelie and Eve. This piece was performed at If Walls Could Talk's 3rd Anniversary.

I miss you thousands of times
Listening to your soothing voice
whispering in my ear from afar
Reminiscing by the seaside
Longing for you.

Melihat mukamu berkelip
di antara bintang-bintang
di langit malam sunyi
Hatimu berdebar seperti gelombang laut
membasah pasir pantai.

Сладкие мимолетные воспоминания
Твоё лицо нарисовано на моей ладони
питает медленно в мою улыбку.

La lampe de mon inspiration
gardée dans les plis de ma robe
avec nos secrets du passé.

Tu me manques des millier de fois
J’ecoute ton apaisante voix
murmurer de si loin au creux de mon oreille
Réminisçant au bord de la mer
Languissant pour toi.

I gaze at your face flickering
amongst the stars in the quiet night
My heart beats to the rhythm of the waves
that wash the shore.

Kenangan manis melintas
Wajahmu terlukis atas tapak tanganmu
Disuap perlahan-lahan ke senyumanku.

Моя лампа вдохновения
хранилась в складках моего платья
с нашими секретами из прошлого.

Скучаю по тебе в тысячи раз
Слушаю твой мелодичный голос
шептает в моем ухе издалека
Hапоминания на берегу моря
Тоска по тебе.

Je regard sur ton visage
vacillant parmi les étoiles d’une nuit tranquille
mon coeur bats au rythme des vagues
qui caressent la rive.

Sweet fleeting memories
Your face sketched on my palm
Feeding slowly into my smile.

Pelita ilhamku disimpan
dalam lipatan kain pelikat
bersama rahsia dari masa lalu.

Dengan seribu rindu
Mendengar suara merdumu
Berbisik dekat telingaku dari jauh
Mengenang kembali di tepi pantai
Rindu akan anda.

Смотрю твоё лицо мерцает
среди звезды в тихую ночь
Моё сердце бьется, как волны,
которые моют берег.

Doux souvenirs fugaces
Ton visage esquissé sur ma paume
qui nourri lentement dans mon sourire.

My lamp of inspiration kept
in the folds of my dress
with our secrets from the past.

- Swit Marie
0655H 15th December 2017
Bahagia HQ

Swit Marie is a 'Jacqueline of all trades' who loves wearing plaid
When words fail, she allows movement and emotion to carry her through
A believer in making dreams come true, s
he would love to collaborate with you
An explorer starting fresh and would only give her best
She stands in the gap and will only call it quits when it's a wrap.


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