From SB: To Someone You Want To Give A Second Chance To

Sometimes it isn't about giving a person a second chance, but about giving the relationship one.

It is not you.

You're absolutely fine,
You don't need this,
And frankly you're better off.

It is not me.

I am too much all the time,
Too gritty & way out there,
And better off alone.

But you know what deserves a second chance?

We deserve a chance to see it through,
Do the things we said we were going to do.
Make those trips & seal those vows,
Save up money & build a home out of a house.

We deserve to try it without everyone's opinion in mind,
Even if they meant well or were trying to be kind.
We deserve a shot, just the two of us,
No outside factors causing a fuss.

We deserve to forgive & to let love heal all wounds,
To woo each other again & make each other swoon.
We deserve to reinforce our faith & maybe with a little luck,
We'll keep moving forward together as opposed to be individually stuck.

So my love the second chance wouldn't be for you,
And if given to me I wouldn't know what to do.
No, if a second chance were to come by even in stormy weather,
It would be for us to take on the world together.

1.52am, 2nd February 2016
Ghetto HQ

SB is a conflicted soul of sorts, who is mad enough to go chase after what she really loves as opposed to conform to society and her mother's idea of a successful person. She prays she makes it in life, because she will not be able to tolerate the nagging that would follow if she doesn't. Her inspiration comes from everything around her, as well as made up situations in her head. Good luck distinguishing between the two. 


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