From SB: To My Best Friend

While there are a very select few that I would consider to be my best friends (these do not include the Muruku sisters because they are several levels up), this one particular one I feel constantly goes underappreciated. So this one goes out to you, my very own Matcha Dude. 

I still remember the first time we met,
You still had a thing for wearing caps backwards,
On you, a friend of mine her eye she had set,
To which I kept pushing her towards.

We had stood in line together to get food,
And you were gracious enough to let me go first,
I should have known from then on our relationship would be good,
You even got me a drink to quench my thirst.

You made it a point to be there at every birthday,
Maybe not physically but always in some way,
Then you went back to India & came back with a pink saree,
Just because I said I wanted one off-handedly.

You’re always so attentive & you constantly check up on me,
Those conversations on Messenger at 3am as you kept me company,
And we’ll never know if our friendship took a turn for the worst or the better,
That fateful night I was complaining & you agreed to be my editor.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe we’ve made it this far,
But I guess that’s what real friends really are,
They are quiet and calm but constantly there,
 They’ll always take the time in their own way to show you they care.

So here’s to you, my very own Matcha Dude,
Whom when all romance fails me I will marry in a heartbeat,
I will always have your back through any and every feud,
So long as you promise that you will make camels at my wedding an easy feat.

Thank you Mateen, I truly love you so,
Every few weeks I truly hate it when you go,
I promise you even if our marriage doesn’t end up getting arranged,
My affection for you will forever remain unchanged.

- SB
1.39am, 22nd Sept 2015
Ghetto HQ

SB is a conflicted soul of sorts, who is mad enough to go chase after what she really loves as opposed to conform to society and her mother's idea of a successful person. She prays she makes it in life, because she will not be able to tolerate the nagging that would follow if she doesn't. Her inspiration comes from everything around her, as well as made up situations in her head. Good luck distinguishing between the two. 


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