#notetoself: Things To Promise Your Friends (in no particular order)
To all my friends (of which I have but a few), this is my oath to you.
1) Despite
how I feel about weddings, I will always make an active effort to be a part of
your wedding, if you’re lucky enough to find someone who wants to spend the
rest of your life with you. I will smile, put on make-up, a possibly ridiculous
looking dress, make banners & props for your photo booth & if it comes
to it, I will prevent you from bolting from your future.
2) I
will be there to celebrate and/or go through every milestone with you. I will
endure you driving at 40km/mph when you first get your driver’s license, I will
scream at you to finish up your last two reps at the gym when you first start
working out, and I’ll plan lunches and dinners to celebrate all these
milestones in your life.
3) I
will be there for you in times of adversity. When you feel like the lowest
& most ultimate piece of shit, I will be there to tell you that you are not
the piece of shit, life is, but you will get through it because that is just
the kind of person you are. I will buy you cake & listen to you cry and read
your every Whatsapp message detailing your struggles & I will respond appropriately
and sincerely, and in the moments when you don’t require a response, I will
merely listen & not judge you because you don’t need judgment, just
4) I
will always be open to your criticism, and I will always be open to criticise
you. I will tell you if what you’re doing is absolutely out of line, just like
I know you would too. I’d push you to be the absolute best person you can be,
and then some. This means telling you when your jokes aren’t funny, and when
you’re being a complete asshole, which sometimes you can be. But disclaimer –
me telling you these truths doesn’t mean I love you any less, for I love you
despite them.
5) No
matter what happens, you will always be welcomed to show up at my place
unannounced, whether or not I am at home, and do whatever you like – laundry,
use the WIFI, or pass out on my floor. Yes, you will always be welcomed to my
6) I
will never count the little things I do for you, that I will do as much as I
can of. I will pick you up from LRT stations, I will help you move houses, and
I will even pick up your laundry from the dobi bhaiyya who thinks I am your
older sister (for some sordid reason) and they won’t amount up to anything,
because we’re friends and we don’t sweat the small stuff.
7) No
matter what the hour, I’ll always get up to send you to the hospital, if it is
absolutely necessary and you are absolutely sure you are dying, or halfway there.
If you needed the company, I’d stay with you & drink vending machine Milo
and watching horrifying hospital TV until you felt better.
8) I
will try new things with you. No matter how crazy the suggestion, if you want
to do it strongly enough, I’ll go and do it with you. Whether it turns out good
or bad, it’ll be an experience, and I’ll experience it with you, even when
everyone tells you that you’re crazy and that it can’t be done.
9) I
will reserve all judgment on the person you are dating because you’re the one
infatuated with him or her, not me. I’ll try my best not to cringe when you’re
stupidly happy in front of me and will do my best to ensure your partner likes
me so I’m not “that bitch friend” you have and will probably be guilt tripped
into never hanging out with anymore. Even if that happens, I’ll continue to be
happy for you from a distance, and if he/she dumps you, I’ll be there with cake
to consolidate. And maybe an “I told you so”. Depending on how I feel on that
10) I
will support your decisions, big or small. I will tell you to yes, please buy
that expensive dress with your shiny new pay cheque, and I will go to Digital
Mall & survey the same phone model 20 times in all the different shops. I
will love you for all that you are, in all your quirkiness, insensibility &
insecurity, because the unique shade that you add to this world is special, and
I’ll always see that – even when you don’t, because that’s just what friends
- SB
5.24pm, 2nd
January 2016
123 Gasing
SB is a conflicted soul of sorts, who is mad enough to go chase after what she really loves as opposed to conform to society and her mother's idea of a successful person. She prays she makes it in life, because she will not be able to tolerate the nagging that would follow if she doesn't. Her inspiration comes from everything around her, as well as made up situations in her head. Good luck distinguishing between the two.
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