Response To "At The Ledge"

You can read At The Ledge by SB here

You can't stand there forever,
On the edge of the ledge.

You can choose to back away, but where will that lead you?
Scared and lonely, maybe.

You don't have to fall, little girl.
You can just slowly come down.

It will be steep.
You can take it real slow,

One step at a time.
If no one greets you at the bottom,
That's okay,
You came down whole.

You will be welcomed by your love for yourself.
Because you made it down there with love in your heart.

Rejoice if someone is there to meet you.
Take the love he offers you.

- Slac 

Slac resides in an urban jungle within an urban jungle in the Philippines. He is a junkie for poetry and words. He inhales words like he would his cigarette, one long drag and swallows it. He enjoys watching his nightmares like movies. But also, he daydreams a lot. He writes his poetry this way. 


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