
Mirrors, glass, life... Once broken, CAN be fixed but the effects of what was once shattering events will remain. The only way is to move on and gain a fresh, NEW perspective of things. Shed new light, gain new experiences, write new endings to your future. Change the mirror you see yourself in. Change the glasses of which you see life through. Change the way you look at life and make decisions according to the untap potential that lies within you. The fact is the past exist but it doesn't mean you need to keep the broken pieces. Clean it up, throw it away and exchange it for something better, everybody deserves second chances. Shattered. Battered. Altered. Tampered. Take us down. No one sound. We are bound. To this frown. Taken. Shaken. Forsaken. And mistaken. On your own. Left alone. To be stoned. For your tone. Cannot mend. What was bent. Need to vent. Clear this tent. Never the same, No one to blame, Because it came, Bo...