From SY: To The Last Person I Made A Promise To

This letter is written to one of the many who have supported me during my journey in the Medical Department during my stint in Ampang Hospital.

I was only but an 'infant',
Two week old, lacking any form of maturity,
Barely coping with the department,
Unable to run the default mechanism of adaptability.

I cried out for help like a babe,
You didn't pick me up or hand me a pacifier,
You thought maybe I was a mabe,
Needed to be cultured so I could be mounted and withstand fire.

You made time and sat me down,
A turmoil in the midst of a wreckage of thoughts,
You dug into my history of when I was out of town,
Of my prequel, episodes and many onslaughts.

You asked what I would do,
Ready to pull the plug on that blinky neon sign,
The type of bulbs people would replace and not fix or pursue,
To end this journey in healing that wasn't exactly mine.

You told me to clear my head and listen,
To hear what you had to say,
Gave me tissues when my eyes got teary and glistened,
Spoke clearly so I could comprehend though I was in dismay.

You said it was too soon to know,
Like an infant I needed to develop,
I needed time to grow,
Give myself a chance to walk before I gallop.

You gave me time to decide,
To clear my clutter and find my sanity,
You referred me to a specialist that I could confide,
Gave me a chance to continue serving humanity.

You allowed me to grow and learn,
To go home and not have anything to do with this establishment,
You knew my love to help was what I yearned,
You made it become my drive to strive in this environment.

You are clothed in wisdom,
Knowledge was your key,
Tailored with professionalism,
You listened to every patient's history.

Your style of work is stringent,
You do it all for the benefit of the patients,
Extremely detailed and diligent,
I respected you and your arrangements.

I promised I would give myself a chance,
I will do what I can and improve,
You always looked at me with that worrying glance,
I put it on myself to continue to improve.

Thanks to you I will go on,
To help, serve and give,
Not to be used as another pawn,
To stand on what I believe to live.

This road taken by many,
Though a longer and lengthier journey,
You believe I would reach my destiny,
To live up to the potential you see in me.

I promise I will keep my sanity,
Breathe and do my work well,
Not work to the bone and stay healthy,
To grasp this licence and get up from where I fell.

Thank you for your guidance,
For opening my heart and eyes,
For your enduring patience,
For the truth and not severing ties.

- SY
1715H 2nd January 2015

Cafe 123 Gasing.

SY is a 'Jacqueline of all trades' who loves wearing plaids.
She doesn't believe in things that fade and fulfills the promises that she made.
She seeks the hearts of the troubled, to be a listener in times when things are doubled.
She's the kind who stands in the gap, who will only call it quits when it's a wrap.


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