
This piece is written for those who will be going for HSG's EMERGE camp that started today. Take my word for it, it will be the life changing experience you need go emerge from where you are to glory from glory . Emerge: 1. To move out from something and become visible. 2. To become apparent prominent. 3. To recover or survive a difficult situation. Are we of no value? Uncensored, uncultured, Rude and crude, No respect for the words of the pew. Are we a people of empty space, Differentiation of race, Nothing deeper than the surface. Taking things at our own pace. The fact is, you are running a race, Just run at your own pace, You will emerge champions, Fighting the good fight of faith. Are we... a group that walks aimlessly in life? Feeling like we are just running away, Not knowing the way we should go, So undecided, unable to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. They say... We are so tempered with the way we feel, Just going with the flow, Conformed to t...