From SB: To The Parents

My relationship with my parents is unconventional at the least. But making a documentary about their relationship two years ago really changed the way I looked at their relationship, and also at them. This is a tribute to that kind of love, that only Bronson & Ghetto Mum have. 

You are the movie stars of my life,
The unconventional husband & wife,
Both tempers equally strong,
Somewhere in the middle do I belong.

Your differed principles sometimes lead to heated debate,
But you both never forget all the important dates,
To the world it seems you are practical by far,
But I've bore witness to the romantics that you are.

You have shown me that in hard times two people can still stick together,
And face all sorts of petty remarks as well as bad weather,
Its not about compatibility, it is about choice,
And sometimes it is about letting your wife raise her voice.

I applaud you for blending the East Coast & Hakka incredibly well,
If these years have been difficult I doubt anyone could tell,
Thank you for being my parents with such grace,
And for teaching me that love surpasses every race.

So here is to you Bronson & Ghetto Mum,
Who'd verbally slay any person who attempts to cause me harm,
My door might always be closed & I might always be out,
But the two of you I could never do without.

- SB
2.28pm, 20th October 2015
Ghetto HQ

SB is a conflicted soul of sorts, who is mad enough to go chase after what she really loves as opposed to conform to society and her mother's idea of a successful person. She prays she makes it in life, because she will not be able to tolerate the nagging that would follow if she doesn't. Her inspiration comes from everything around her, as well as made up situations in her head. Good luck distinguishing between the two. 


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